
Do you have inflamed, swollen gums or gums that are prone to bleeding? Or is the gum in the way of teeth making them appear shorter? Problematic gums directly affect the health and condition of our teeth. Periodontic care is often part of an overall dental care plan necessary to restore good oral health.

Do you have inflamed, swollen gums or gums that are prone to bleeding? Or is the gum in the way of teeth making them appear shorter? Problematic gums directly affect the health and condition of our teeth. Periodontic care is often part of an overall dental care plan necessary to restore good oral health.

What is Periodontics?

Periodontics is the comprehensive management of diseases or conditions affecting the gum and supporting tissues. Its therapeutic objectives are to control and eliminate disease, maintain health and restore form, function and aesthetics to supporting tissues around teeth or dental implants.

Common Periodontal Treatments

Gingivitis | Periodonitis

Gingivitis in an inflammation of the gums that is usually caused by a bacterial infection. When left untreated, it can lead to a more serious infection known as periodontitis, a condition where the infected gum destroys the fibres and bones supporting the tooth or teeth. Bleeding and swollen gums, bad breath or loose tooth / teeth are common symptoms of periodontal disease.

Regular visits to the dentist help prevent the problem from worsening. Medical science has shown a possible link between gum disease and heart problems, diabetes and may also affect pregnancies.

Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening is a surgical procedure designed to address a “gummy” smile by reshaping the gum tissue to create a natural looking smile. When um tissue covers too much of the tooth surface, it can make the teeth look small and result in a childlike smile.

Sometimes, crown lengthening is also recommended when a tooth experiences severe decay or fracture beneath the gum line. This improves the success rate of restorative dental appliances by exposing more of the tooth’s healthy surface area. With more surface area to work with, various dental appliances have a greater chance of staying put and not falling off.

Bone & Gum Grafts

Most of us probably don’t think about our jaw health even though we use it daily to talk and eat. When looking at bone loss and gum recession, the periodontist typically focus on tooth loss and signs of periodontitis, These can in turn, create new issues that can interfere with dental implants and overall dental health.

A bone graft is a surgical procedure to add artificial bone to the jaw bone so as to replace a lost tooth with a dental implant. In order for a dental implant to be properly placed and maintained, the width and height of the bone must be able to support the implant.

On the other hand, a gum graft is a surgical procedure to stop gum recession and protect one from losing tooth or bone. Gum recession happens when the gum tissue surrounding the teeth begins to pull away, exposing its root and leaving open pockets where bacteria can enter. Common causes include hard brushing, smoking and diabetes.

Dental Implants

Dental Implants are used to replace missing teeth. Unlike dentures, dental implants are permanent fixtures. Each implant is made from titanium or titanium alloy which studies have shown these materials complement with our bone to provide long term support for the missing tooth.

Dental implants are long-lasting and they require low maintenance. They can camouflage and function very well like normal teeth and most importantly, prevent bone loss in the jaw.